Muhammad Al Durrah Video Brutal Killing Of A 12-Year-Old

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Muhammad al durrah video depicted his brutal killing in Palestine while his father tried to save him.

Muhammad al-Durrah, 12, was shot and killed by Israeli fire on this day in 1998 when his father attempted to protect him. The footage was shown all over the world and ended up being known as the Second Intifada’s iconic image.

A TV crew working for the France 2 network captured what appeared to be the final moments of a Palestinian kid caught in the crossfire between Israelis and Palestinians in October 2000, during the Second Intifada, the Palestinian uprising.

Talal Abu Rahma, a Palestinian television cameraman, working as a freelancer for France 2, captured footage of Jamal al-Durrah and his son Muhammad when they were trapped in the crossfire between the Israeli military and the Palestinian security forces. 

They can be seen in the video huddled behind a concrete cylinder, the father gesturing and the boy sobbing before a blast of gunfire and dust. Muhammad is seen sagging as he is shot to death and passes away shortly after.

Charles Enderlin, the station’s bureau chief in Israel, provided the voiceover for 59 seconds of the clip aired on French television. 

Enderlin informed viewers that the boy had passed away and al-Durrah had come under fire from Israeli forces based on information from the videographer. Muhammad was revered as a martyr throughout the Muslim world following an impassioned public funeral.

The fact that the event was recorded on video caused shock and rage worldwide. In Ramallah, a mob was lynching IDF soldiers while President Clinton expressed outrage, Bin Laden called for vengeance, and the crowd shouted “revenge for Al-Durrah.

The young boy, Muhammad Al-Durrah, came to represent Palestinian victimhood and was reportedly another example of the brutality of the IDF and Israel.

The Israeli government attempted to cast doubt on the video’s legitimacy, and the Israeli military denied that any of its soldiers were accountable.

It took a French court until 2013 to support France 2 and Abu Rahma’s defamation claim against Philippe Karsenty, a French media analyst who had claimed they had staged the video and fined him 7,000 euros in the process.

Abu Rahma, who has received various honors for his work, including the Rory Peck Award in 2001, presently resides in Greece with his six-year-old wife and kid. 

Since 2017, he is not permitted to go back to Gaza.

The former prime minister released a statement

Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim Al-Thani, the former prime minister of the Gulf state, warned on Sunday that a third Palestinian intifada might start if there is no international response to the increasing Israeli cruelty in the occupied territories.

“What is happening in the occupied Palestinian territories of cold killings[…]without any reaction, condemnation or protest at least, whether from Arab or international capitals, confirms to me that what Israel is doing is always far from punishment or criticism,” HBJ said in a Twitter thread.

The term “Intifada” refers to uprisings against the Israeli government, the first of which occurred between 1987 and 1993 and resulted in the deaths of more than 1,300 Palestinians.

Between 2000 and 2005, during the second Intifada, Israel is estimated to have killed 4,973 Palestinians. At this same time, Muhammad Al Durrah, a 12-year-old Palestinian, was brutally murdered by the Zionist state in front of the entire world.
