Dineo Langa and Mom KG Moeketsi Donate to Help Hungry Artists

Publish date: 2024-05-03

- Dineo Langa and her mommy Kgomotso 'KG' Moeketsi are working hard to feed artists in Mzansi

- KG and Dineo have donated food to artists who are struggling because of the Covid-19 pandemic

- Fans found it heartwarming that Dineo and her mom are extending their help to others who are struggling

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Mzansi actress Dineo Langa and her mother Kgomotso 'KG' Moeketsi have come to the aid of artists who have been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa. Taking to social media, Mama Kgomotso shared what she has been up to with her daughter. She captioned her post:

"Don’t be fooled by the smiles. My daughter and I went and dropped food supplies for the over 20 artists sitting in at the National Arts Council."

Mama KG spoke about how she was disappointed at how much corruption is robbing the arts and it pains her to see artists struggling so much. She said that she was saddened by the situation.

Recently, Minister of Arts and Culture Nathi Mthethwa said that R300 million that was meant to help struggling artists cope with the pandemic had been mismanaged. This caused outrage from South Africans on social media, with people asking where the funds had gone.

A number of celebrities have also broken their silence on the matter and want the minister to take full responsibility for what has happened. Check out the reactions from social media below:

@melaka_mk said:

"Nathi Mthethwa does NOT have passion for his portfolio, he was just deployed there so that he can earn his fat salary..."

@NginguBusi commented:

"Very sad that this is done by our very own brothers and sister."

@Wendymak7 said:

"May your cups never run dry, God bless your hearts KG."

In other entertainment news, We reported that DJ Zinhle and Mihlali Ndamase teamed up to help black Mzansi creators. South African musician DJ Zinhle and content creator Mihlali Ndamase have teamed up with TikTok to laugh the Rising Voices incubator project.

This initiative is open to all black South African creators and has been endorsed by the National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF), an agency of the South African Department of Arts and Culture.

Rising Voices will run for six weeks and focuses on supporting local black creators through digital skills development and content amplification.

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