Man Left Kneeling After Public Proposal Goes Wrong in Viral TikTok With 4.6M Views, Netizens Feel fo

Publish date: 2024-05-02

A man went viral after his public proposal for all the wrong reasons. The video shows his partner did not expect him to pop the question.

The man took advantage of Valentine's Day to make a romantic gesture, but it still backfired. Online users watched the video and discussed whether public proposals are a good idea.

Man's public proposal on Valentine's day goes wrong

A guy was excited to propose to his girlfriend, but everything ended badly. A TikTok shows how the lady was led, blindfolded, to a surprise by her boyfriend.

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In the video, the lady lifts her blindfold, realises she's at a proposal and starts backing away. The man gets down on one knee, and she looks at him in disbelief before saying no and walking away. Onlookers were chanting that she said yes.

TikTok users react to failed public proposal

Online users are always eager to look into people's relationships. They insisted that the man should have double-checked that she was ready for the next step in their relationship.

Okafor Frank commented:

"The cleaner is waiting there to clear those roses."

Nifreda Okwomi commented:

"The girl who collected those flowers, she's the soul."

harriahh commented:

"I wish I was at that place and hug that guy plus comforted him. He really needed someone at that time."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx commented:

"Feel sorry for the next girl he will date, she will pay for everything."

UTHUMAN 001 commented:

"The side boyfriend proposed earlier than the main boyfriend."

Fatimah Ali commented:

"Couldn’t someone just hold him up cause, by then, after that rejection you don't have the nerves to stand."

Fabulous commented:

"Before you propose, please find out from her if she would want to spend her life with you or take the next chapter."

Nadege commented:

"The friend with glasses is secretly in love with him. She will be his wife. (Allegedly)"

"She's being forced": Public proposal has SA cringing after lady's reaction

Briefly News reported that a Twitter video had tongues wagging after they saw a couple's public engagement proposal. People were not convinced that the bride-to-be was happy based on her response to seeing him go down on one knee.

Online users flooded the comments with assumptions about how the woman feels. Tweeps speculated that she was not pleased with having such a public proposal.

A clip shared by @MrTheoHughes was all over Twitter as people reacted to getting a public proposal. In the video, the woman's face convinced people that she was only doing it because she got put on the spot.
